Website Redesign to Enhance Brand Strategy

A unique e-commerce redesign journey spotlighting strength, community, and the joy of skating.

Sacred Roller Skate Supply
UX/UI Design, Content Strategy, User Research
Product Manager & Research Lead

About the project

This project wasn't just about a website redesign; it was about capturing the essence of a community that prides itself on strength, fearlessness, and inclusivity. Owned by a dynamic woman and championing LGBTQAI+ rights, Sacred Roller Skate Supply embodies a judgment-free zone where the culture of skating thrives. This case study delves into how I translated this vibrant physical space into a digital realm, making SRSS's unique ethos resonate with every visitor online.


Qualitative Research (Interviews) + Usability Testing + Competitive Analysis

To understand how skaters purchase skates, skate parts, and accessories, I interviewed 4 participants who had purchased roller skates within the last 5 years. They also performed a usability test on the original site.

All 4 participants failed the following task: To locate skates best suited for derby skating.

Key Takeaways From Interviews
  1. Culture: Users want to see the benefits of the product - style, community, and fun.
  2. Convenience: Users need to easily determine the correct style and fit of skates so they can begin skating ASAP.
  3. Trust: Users consider the experience of others when choosing what to purchase.
Key Takeaways from Usability Testing
  1. Lengthy product descriptions and lack of categorization contributed to search fatigue.
  2. Lack of brand voice and continuity meant lost opportunities for capturing a vibrant, diverse roller skating community.
  3. My participants were not just buying skates, but buying into a culture….and they wanted this expressed to them throughout their shopping experience.
Key Takeaways From Competitive Analysis
  1. Enhanced Visual Strategy: Effective use of images and visual elements like color, scale, and text within images to communicate skate styles, brand culture, and promotional messages, facilitating quick user understanding and engagement.
  2. Engagement and Conversion Optimization: Strategic placement and design of functional indicators (e.g., customization options, customer reviews) and motivational content (e.g., skaters in action) that inspire community connection and influence purchase behaviors, with optimized call-to-action buttons to increase conversion rates.
  3. Intuitive Navigation and User Interface: Implementation of a clear, hierarchical navigation system with contextual and dynamic elements, including detailed categorization and filtering options, which streamline the shopping experience and make product discovery simpler and more efficient.
In summary, I learned that beginner skaters need to learn specifications for skates that match their price and style preferences in order to purchase skates and join a skating community. Both interviews and usability tests revealed a desire for a shopping experience as enriching and inclusive as the in-store vibe.
E-commerce Customer Journey based on persona, Emily Johnson

Key Takeaways from creating a journey map of the e-commerce customer experience:

  1. Educational Content is Crucial: Emily needs clear and accessible information to understand the variety of products and their intended use. Creating educational content that simplifies the comparison of styles, durability, and price will help to keep potential customers like Emily engaged and less likely to leave the website to do further research elsewhere.
  2. Streamlined Decision-Making Process: The journey highlights a point of frustration during the selection process due to the overwhelming number of options and the need for assurance about the quality of the skates. Streamlining the decision-making process through better filtering, reviews, and clear product information can aid in reducing frustration and increasing the likelihood of a purchase.
  3. Community Engagement Enhances Satisfaction: Emily's post-purchase activities, such as joining a skating class and recommending skates to others, suggest that fostering a sense of community and involvement can lead to greater customer satisfaction and advocacy. Ensuring a good fit and encouraging customers to share their experiences can reinforce positive feelings associated with the brand.

Phase 2

Site Map + Tree Test + Wireframes + Sketches

Phase 3

Each design decision was a deliberate step towards mirroring the physical experience of visiting Sacred Roller Skate Supply in Herndon, Virginia. From intuitive navigation that simplified product discovery to vibrant visuals that captured the essence of skating culture, every element was crafted to enhance user experience.

Key Takeaways
  • Inspiration struck through skater culture's energy, leading to a design that's both fun and functional.
  • Every choice, from navigation to visuals, aimed to mirror the strength and spirit of the skating community.

Sketching design solutions revealed opportunities for enhanced product discoverabilty and engagement

  • FILTERS - Product filters to narrow search by price and style (priorities from discovery)
  • PRODUCT CARDS - Clean delivery of product information
  • VISUAL INDICATORS - Icons, dividers, and carrots to educate and communicate
  • NAVIGATION WINDOW - Horizontal and vertical alignment with nested icons

Project Results

The culmination of my efforts was a website that not only looked good but felt right. It became a digital extension of Sacred Roller Skate Supply's physical store, embodying the same spirit and community values. The redesign significantly improved user engagement and accessibility – proving the power of a user-centric approach in creating meaningful digital experiences.

UI Design

  1. Featured content was created to educate and inform users of product and increase brand visibility.
  2. Expanded Global navigation to enhance product discovery.
  3. Introduced filters based on style and price.
  4. Streamlined product descriptions.
  5. Incorporated visual indicators of roller skate boot styles to guide users.

UX Design

  1. Feedback from usability testing illuminated pain points, transforming them into design opportunities that enhanced user satisfaction.
  2. Outcome significantly enhancing product discoverability and streamlined the purchasing experience for users.
  3. Revitalized online presence firmly established SRSS's community-focused brand.

The results reflected my commitment to creating an accessible and engaging online space.

This project taught me the importance of staying true to the essence of the community I was designing for. The biggest takeaway was the realization that successful design is not just about solving usability issues but about capturing and conveying the spirit of the community it serves. Moving forward, this insight will guide my approach to design, emphasizing empathy, inclusivity, and the unique stories of those I design for.

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